Después de que se conociera la noticia de la muerte de Little Richard a los 87 años, varios artistas usaron las redes sociales para homenajear al padre fundador del rock & roll.
"El Rey del rock and roll. Sin dudas", escribió Questlove en Instagram. "Periodistas hagan su trabajo. No es el ARQUITECTO, ni PIONERO, ni HITMAKER. Este hombre fue literalmente el MODELO que todo el mundo siguió. LITTLE RICHARD es EL VERDADERO REY. LARGA VIDA AL REY".
"Estoy muy triste al escuchar las noticias sobre Little Richard", tuiteó Brian Wilson. "Él estuvo ahí al comienzo mostrándonos cómo rockear. Fue un gran talento y lo extrañaremos. La música de Little Richard estará por siempre".
"Steven Van Zandt tuiteó: "RIP Little Richard. El hombre que inventó el rock and roll. Elvis lo hizo popular. Chuck Berry lo narró. Richard fue el arquetipo".
Otro pionero del rock, Jerry Lee Lewis, dijo en un comunicado a Rolling Stone: "Es con mi corazón que pido sus oraciones para la familia de mi amigo de toda la vida y compañero Little Richard. ¡Él vivirá siempre en mi corazón con su increíble talento y su amistad! Él fue único en su tipo y lo voy a extrañar muchísimo. Dios bendiga a su familia y sus fans. Descansa en paz, mi amigo".
"Lamentablemente, Little Richard falleció hoy", Gene Simmons escribió. "Un padre fundador del rock and roll, sus contribuciones simplemente no se pueden sobreestimar. Tuve el honor de conocer a Richard en sus últimos años y quedó impresionado por su presencia. Él me dijo: ‘Yo soy el arquitecto del Rock And Roll’. ¡Amén! Descansa en paz".d Roll."
Nile Rodgers lamentó "la pérdida de un verdadero gigante", mientras que Dave Davies de los Kinks elogió al artista que fue "una inspiración inmensa" para él.
Mirá más mensajes dedicados a Little Richard a continuación:
I just heard the news about Little Richard and I’m so grieved. He was my shining star and guiding light back when I was only a little boy. His was the original spirit that moved me to do everything I would do.&— Bob Dylan (@bobdylan) May 9, 2020
So sad to hear that my old friend Little Richard has passed. There will never be another!!! He was the true spirit of Rock’n Roll! pic.twitter.com/yU1EJmjejU&— Keith Richards (@officialKeef) May 9, 2020
I was once asked, "If u could meet one person, who would it be?" I always said Little Richard. Because, to me, he was rock & roll’s most joyous, rebellious innovator. Thank u for planting that seed, Richard. The world is a much happier place thanks to ur music.#RIPLittleRichardpic.twitter.com/kiq2VOZs8O&— Foo Fighters (@foofighters) May 9, 2020
RIP Little Richard, a very sad loss. My thoughts are with his loved ones.??It’s Little Richard’s songs that pioneered rock’n’roll. I got to hear him and his band at the Newport Lounge in Miami and boy were they good. ? pic.twitter.com/JXgahhJAfk&— Jimmy Page (@JimmyPage) May 9, 2020
Ver esta publicación en InstagramUna publicación compartida de Questlove Froman, (@questlove) el
RIP Little Richard. The man who invented Rock and Roll. Elvis popularized it. Chuck Berry was the storyteller. Richard was the archetype. Maureen and I were so honored being the first marriage he conducted. We were lucky to know him. He lives forever in the Underground Garage. https://t.co/D8NwRKcshi&— Stevie Van Zandt (@StevieVanZandt) May 9, 2020
A couple weeks ago I randomly decided to read up on the legendary Little Richard on wiki. I learned then about how he developed The Beatles and saved The Rolling Stones pic.twitter.com/lUEvYG1Mew&— Chance The Rapper (@chancetherapper) May 9, 2020
One of the coolest riffs The best backbeat in the world Little Richard was an immense inspiration for me, love the man #riplittlerichard- Lucille (1957) [Long Version, High Quality Sound] https://t.co/VIAVy7boDF via @YouTube&— Dave Davies (@davedavieskinks) May 9, 2020
No Jimi, No Beatles No Bowie, No Bolan. NO GLAM, No Freddie, No Prince, No Elton, No Preston No Sly, No Stevie, WITHOUT Little Richard!They DON’T HAPPEN Without HIM BLAZING A TRAIL IN THE DARK in sequence, if he had his SHIRT ON AT ALL, AT THE PIANO, SCREAMING LIKE A WHITE WOMAN&— Vernon Reid (@vurnt22) May 9, 2020
God bless little Richard one of my all-time musical heroes. Peace and love to all his family. [R][R][R][R][R][R][R][R] pic.twitter.com/H2lzKbX3tm&— #RingoStarr (@ringostarrmusic) May 9, 2020
In the late 1980s, I was walking down Hollywood Blvd, a black limo drove by slowly, Little Richard waved at us from the back window with a crazy look on his face. A giant in Rock and Roll music.&— Krist Novoselic (@KristNovoselic) May 9, 2020
Rest In Peace To One Of The True Creators Of Rock And Roll. This Is The Commercial I Directed With Little Richard And Michael Jordan, 1991. pic.twitter.com/51bEV1eYKB&— Spike Lee (@SpikeLeeJoint) May 9, 2020
R.I.P. Little Richard. I got to meet the icon and fellow Maconite at the opening of the Georgia Music Hall of Fame in Macon back in 1996, and he didn’t disappoint. Full of life and energy, he was truly one of a kind.&— Mike Mills [R] (@m_millsey) May 9, 2020
A-wop-bop-a-loo-bop-a-lop-bam-boom.Gone but never forgotten. A rock giant.&— Stephen King (@StephenKing) May 9, 2020
So sad Little Richard passed away. He married my husband and I. He was really one of the truely great rock and roll singers and one of the rock and roll pioneers. He will be missed[R][R][R][R]&— Cyndi Lauper (@cyndilauper) May 9, 2020
In 1990 when I wrote the Young Guns record, I had the chance to ask some of my heroes to record with me - Elton John, Jeff Beck, and an all star cast came together to have fun and just make music.One day, Danny Kortchmar, the famed producer said "who else do you know?" pic.twitter.com/BIUuW1MBnU&— Jon Bon Jovi (@jonbonjovi) May 9, 2020
I interviewed Little Richard some yrs ago he was awesome. There hasn’t been anything close to his volcanic explosion of talent into forming Rock and Roll in the 1950s. I knew Andre Harrell and first met him mopping a HarlemWorld floor in 80, worked with his artists. Rest in Beats pic.twitter.com/nxFzwMBXWX&— Chuck D (@MrChuckD) May 9, 2020